Monday, 3 December 2007


I would like to visit this country because there are lots of Buddhist people and have temples to meditate and are open to common people. Common in the sense of those who are not join to the Buddhist religion since child. And one of the most interesting thing about this is that when you come in to the country, the person to charge ask to you if you come to travel through the country, or if you come to the Buddhist temples. In the case of coming looking for a more spiritual life, this man gave you a special visa and you automatically pass to be in charge of a special monk. One time you are part of the daily life of the temple you must to work in something and they feed you. In the case you extend your demurrage they do all the legal procedures and you don’t have to worry about nothing.
The natural reserve of islands and forests are great the animals, plants and the trees are incredible and there is a lot of species which you can see if you are patient enough.
That’s all and I hope I can go there someday

Friday, 30 November 2007

great stories

Actually I don’t have a particular idol. In fact I don’t have any idol, but I respect many people for things that the do or things that they've done. For example comes to my mind John Ronald Reuel Tolkien who wrote the lord of the rings and some other books related like The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.

I really like the story of the ring because it's a total different world. First time I read it was when I was 12 years old. I was in the school and I really was interesting in the story so I use to miss some class to keep reading more. That year I read the three books and I felt with so many desires to keep reading that I read it again.

I felt respect for this man because he imagine a total different world that was created by totally different forces; all of they were from his imagination. I would like to talk with him and try to find out what was the thing that he was inspirited with.

Although his characters and his God were product of his mind, I really appreciate the way he thought the unknown world that he present to us in his books. So I really like to ask to him how was that he starts to think in his particularly way to create the universe...

How do you think it was????

Ps: the picture shows Melkor. he is a Valar (a kind of God in earth) and he is the real bad guy

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Cerro Sombrero

I can’t say only one place that I enjoy visiting, there are so many beautiful places in my country that I get dizzy thinking in only one place. One of the most impresionant places that I meet this summer was “Tierra del Fuego” and specially “Cerro Sombrero” that is a little petrol community so abandoned in that place that it gets you nervous.
I went there with a very important person to me (Caroline) and a very good friend of mine (Matias) and the guy (Mauricio) who took to us there.
We were very exhausting due we were travelling for one week without stopping in order to get there soon and when we arrived to “Cerro Sombrero” this guy (Mauricio) invited to us to the place where he was staying at and to dinner with him. Next day we make a “lamb in the stick” and buy some wine bottles and we eat and drink until we couldn’t any more.
It was really fun to visit this place for the warm of people and their good lambs. Besides every where you look at it was quiet and mysterious.

Monday, 26 November 2007


I and some friends are planning to visit the "Juan Fernandez" archipelago in February its nothing safe but we desire to go to there to visit on of the many Chilean islands.
In the island i really would like to play the explorer role and to cover the full extension of island and try to find the Robinson Crusoe’s treasure. i think that the island have places than only few knows (well except the local people) and there is many places for to know. i have seen some pictures of the island and i would like to know the beaches of the island and the circundant other islands.
i think that i would be trying to discover many things like natural caverns, exotic animals, cool trees, etc. I will like to visit too the volcano who create the island and try to descend to his crater and maybe sleep one night there.

Saturday, 24 November 2007


i calculate my anual footprint ( and gave me a total of 7.43 tonnes per year. to stop the global warming we sholud to produce only 2.5 tonnes per year. this is less than my production.

in order to reduce my production of CO2 i will try to use more energy from renewable energy supplier because the most of the CO2 produce it is because of using non renewable energy. the gobernment does not want to invest in other sources of energy (for example in CHile they should to invest on geothermical energy due to we have an extraordinari potencial of geothermical energy), so i will insist in the study of that way to produce energy.
other thing is recycling more because it reduce contamination, smoking less cigarrettes, and i would like to plant trees. and as a last thing i think that i'll try to use less energy at home.


Thursday, 22 November 2007


Well i like this paint because i like the way that Daly paints and make reality his thought (or maybe his dreams). I like the way that he mix the colors, wich to me they are realy good combination specially with the draw in self. I like this paint in particulary because it shows a naked woman indicating the world and behind her there is a boy that seems to be afraid for something. Inside the world there is a man (who looks like a geology fault) separating the continents and the people from each other. Something onlooker is that the continent are melting and the angle of inclination of america is to the east instead of west that would be right. Besides the world is bleeding, and all of this is happening in a desert stage and there is two people and a tower in the background (i wonder what did they means...). i first saw this paint 4 years ago because in the art class we had to write an opinion every week (for the next class) of any paint, and i allways (or many times) choose to wright about Daly.
When i see this paint i feel a little bit of angry because the paint reflect what the man is doing with the world and shows USA as the principal responsable (according with my way to see the paint) of this.


Well I didnt plan to study geography in first place,
but i decide to study geography because I really care aboutenvironmental things. I first wanted to study geology, but common planof engineering change my plans and makes me to study geography.Besides the subjects on geography are more interesting and changed,and gave me a more holistic formation about the thing that compose the real world.
In geography i realise that the phisic is not the only component in the reality, there is human aspect too and its get a lot of value when we try to find answers about the shape that the world its taken. I also realize about the things that you have to considerate in the planing of a city and also in the planing of a soil use.
Any way i like the carrer because we have a lot of field trips and we apply the theory, or knowledge, in practical things that (i hope) help other people to have a better life and in harmony with the enviroment.

Monday, 12 November 2007

favorite subjet

Of all the subjet that i have done, my favorite is geology which i've done in first semester. i like it because i like the earth and his natural history, i think that is very interesting to know the process that make the earth like its done and what its going to happen to the humanity in the future.
i like specially all the physics subjets because i think that they are rulz by natural laws and i like to know the truth of the earth and i think that through the study of this kind of things i'll get closer of that.
in other hand i like the social geography too, because its the most tangible way to help other people. but combinig both things i think that i can help more people.
in the future i would like to travel around the world learning diferents ways to do geography and come bac to apply those things in Chile.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

A little correction...

My favorite web site is that is a page where you can find videos, but any kind of videos that you're looking for!! (like music videos, friends videos, concerts videos, sports videos, funny videos, and many others); I've got to say that this web site is very popular in our days.I discover the web site, well i didn't discovered by myself, because one of my university classmate wanted to show me a funny video (by the records the name of the classmate is Eduardo Muñardo, a.k.a FRODO) known as "Edgar fell over" and then i started to ask what kind of videos could i found there; because i was interested in sports videos (soccer and basketball) and also in music videos (like reggae or rap videos). After a couple of weeks i realise that some of my friends could upload their own videos of partys and soccer games. I visit the page a lot because its dynamic and you can learn many things (oldest T.V. ads and the well knowns "chascarros") looking at videos.I like it because i got an special interest in looking images or videos and how they can be completed with music.

My favorite web site is that is a page where you can find videos, but any kind of videos which you're looking for!! (like music videos, friends videos, concerts videos, sports videos, funny videos, and many others); i have to say that this web site is very popular in our days.I discover the web site, well actually i didn't discovered by myself, because one of my university classmate wanted to show me a funny video (by the records the name of the classmate is Eduardo Muñardo, a.k.a FRODO) known as "Edgar fell over" and then i started to ask myself what kind of videos could i find there; because i was interested in sports videos (soccer and basketball) and also in music videos (like reggae or rap videos). After a couple of weeks i realise that some of my friends could upload their own videos of parties and soccer games. I had visit the page a lot because its dynamic and you can learn many things (oldest T.V. ads and the well knowns "chascarros") looking at videos.I like it because i have a special interest in looking images or videos and how they can be completed with music.

Saturday, 13 October 2007


Last Wednesday i saw a film call "borat". It was a really funny movie about a strange guy who lived in “Uzbekistan” . His town was really unconected with the world, and they’ve got strange customs and many problems with the jews. The people and the authority think that the USA had a way of getting rid of the jews. So this guy “borat” went with his coach to USA and try to find out the secret for getting rid of jews. On the trip they started to do many strange things for the “gringos” and freaking them out. The trip was interrupted by Borat because he fell in love with Pamela Anderson and he tried desperately to find her, so he travel throught the country looking for her.
The most interesting thing is the way in wich the movie its made, its a kind of documentary of borat’s trip and the people seem to unknown that these guys are making a movie so their faces and reactions are really funny because they thought that they were really foreigners and their strange conduct are something normal in Uzbekistan.
The movie is really funny because the stupid things that these guys do and for the things that they must carry and solve throught their trip.

Here is a little interview with borat...enjoy it.

A little bitter

My favourite song at moment is “A LITTLE BITTER” by alice in chains.

" How the mind does shout for rest
When the bodies shaken, yeah.
Oh the tightness in my chest
Still your leaves Im raking.
Lord is this a test, Was it fun creating, yeah?
My gods a little sick And he wants me crazy.

Who are you Who can say Its ok to live through me?
Live to be Part of me Youre a wrinkled magazineYeah.

Was it something that I said? Was it how theyre breaking, yeah
Im so selfish, paying your rent While your blood Im taking.

You Spend me Like a tree Dirty dollar bills for leaves
Dark in a sea Of my seeds And the tears on which you feed,You feed.

The body is a temple A dormant alter
To where infantile men lie around
Itching and nibbling For a small piece of sanity
Of which you can not give Shit!

Individuality Buying pennies with my soul
and a little heaven spent While the hell Im taking.

Thieves, Parasites, Hide from life
You know theyll remember me
they are abhored In self-worth
All that matters much to me."

Alice in chains its band of the early '90s and their music style is a very special rock combining hard rock, metal, some soul rythms and much of guitar and voices, but they are considered like a grunge band. Their lyrics are very dark as well as their melodies.
This song in particulary is one of the best of the band for their melody and strange in the guitar rythm, and the powerfull and aggressiveness in the lyrics. I really like this song because its really true and it seems to me that in this song the band haven’t got fear about the things they said.
First time i heard it was when i was seventeen years old. I was in a tribute and this band played this song and when i come back home i downloaded it and i really like it because i didnt knew it and it was very exiting discover it.
Well here is the direction in youtube for your entretainment.

Web site

Well i think that my favorite web site is because its a page where you can find anything (information, art galleries, softwares, games, music, news, stories, sports, celebrity’s pics, etc.) its a very nice page because it have a lot of information available for any user and the best thing is that is free and you dont have to be registered.
I discovered like 6 years ago when i have to do a homework for school, i found very quicly the information that i was looking for and i started to search other things that i found interesting.
I visit this site almost every day bacause its a great web where i can find almost everything (including how to make home nuclear bombs) and when i need to do a work (paper) for uneversity i look for information in this page (besides libery’s search) or when i want to add a picture related with a work (paper).
I really like this page because it gots a lot of information and you can learn many things for free.

Monday, 8 October 2007

A short review

The BBC learning site is a great tool for learning English, it is very original and doesn’t teach using common methods. This helps motivate you to learn the language in a fun and interesting way. The content is very interesting, the stories are great to read and the crosswords (dificult sometimes) are very fun to do, as well as the “News English” section that provides you a lot of vocabulary in English, this allows you to understand words using synonyms as well as vocabulary. This site teaches many interesting things like tips for making a good presentation that you can later use in the work or studies.
One other thing that I think is important is the audio of the site, many stories are narrated in English. This is incredibly helpful to anyone who doesn’t know the language because it helps you pronounce words that you may understand in writing but are unknown to you in dialog. To me this is a great advantage over all other English sites.


this is my new page.