Thursday, 22 November 2007


Well I didnt plan to study geography in first place,
but i decide to study geography because I really care aboutenvironmental things. I first wanted to study geology, but common planof engineering change my plans and makes me to study geography.Besides the subjects on geography are more interesting and changed,and gave me a more holistic formation about the thing that compose the real world.
In geography i realise that the phisic is not the only component in the reality, there is human aspect too and its get a lot of value when we try to find answers about the shape that the world its taken. I also realize about the things that you have to considerate in the planing of a city and also in the planing of a soil use.
Any way i like the carrer because we have a lot of field trips and we apply the theory, or knowledge, in practical things that (i hope) help other people to have a better life and in harmony with the enviroment.

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